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Getting Started is a quick run through the program, from the starting page to printing a quotation.
The Hourly Rate Calculator calculates your hourly labour rate, profit, handling expenses, default printer ink price and annual turnover on labour from your overheads and salaries.
The Estimate Calculator calculates the estimate for your client by making use of the product's length, width and quantity and multiplying it with the various tools built into the application.
Estimated Quotation Totals is the result of your calculations, showing you in the finest detail how the total estimate was reached.
Opening a Saved Quotation is actually a short tutorial showing you how the saving and opening of calculated quotations are handled by the application.
Printing a Saved Quotation takes you through the steps to print your quotation for the client or how to produce a PDF file to email to your client.
Working with the Databases shows you how to choose the materials, substrates and consumables which you are using for the manufacturing of your client's product.
Work through some Estimate Tutorials. The easiest way to get going in the application is to use it to calculate a quotation for your client. Here you get a walk through in four tutorials, showing you how to make the best use of the application.